Saturday, December 27, 2008

Studio Photography

I had been really busy for the last 2-months with the setting up of our photography studio. As all 3 of us are new with Studio Photography, we literally have to ask around and did a lot of research here and there. After working on it for more than 2 months, I am just glad that we managed to get the studio set up and ready to go. Here are some test shots from a 50mm lens on a Canon 40D taken with our lighting set.


Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Oh my God! now you have your won studio? Can i join? Geee....
Guess what, that ORal Care Dental Surgery belongs to our classmate. She's our family dentist. Same age with us...hahahah

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Hi Frank,

I have not owned ant DSLR yet. THat day i made the biggest mistake, I bought a digital camera with SLR functions "Olympus Sp-560uZ" Regret it. I should have bought DSLR when i got the money. HAhaha
