Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Growing up

Ethan, weighing more than 6kg. Now he sleeps lesser by the day, being more active and wanting to be carried more often. He's not able to turn around on his own yet, pictures showing him lying on his front was positioned by us. He's trying to communicate with different sounds each day. Some shots taken yesterday after his nightly wash-up.

Mother-son bonding moments...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. it's normal. Your baby is growing up. Like our Aaron. He sleeps less nowadays. Now he walks, laughs, talks a bit, kisses his parents, touches walls, chairs... etc. you'll soon see Ethan doing all those things...hehe

eThAn'S-mOm said...

Yup.... the touching part would be self-exploring. Hahaha :P He's putting anything he can grab hold of into his mouth! :)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe..but don't forget to discipline him, because he still doesn't know how to differentiate between toys and dangers. And i'm sure it's getting harder for you to leave him at home while you are teaching in Lodge school. Hahaha... keepp on posting photos and writing on your blog yeah. I enjoy reading other people's blog.

Anonymous said...

so cute!!
