Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back to Macro Fun

After a long break from macro photography due to other workload, I am back at it again and it was fun. Here are some pictures taken at the Stutong Park last Sunday.

They call this "Jumping Spider". I only managed to capture the front half of it as it moves very fast.

I would call this "Camouflage Dragon Fly" because if you do not look carefully, you would not have noticed it on the tree due to its tree-like coloured body.

Due to the backlighting, the outline of this spider pic looks pretty soft.

I had to cover (with cardboard) the lights coming into these tiny mushroom to get a sharper picture, or else I'll only get a near-to-transparent effect which isn't very nice.

A colorful grasshopper, took this with flash to boost the color even more and also it create a dark background.
